Military and first responder discounts

We hold the utmost respect for those who selflessly serve

It's the least we can do

Save 20% on every order with

Most people run away from war zones; they run in. When others flee a burning building; they run in. When shots ring out and people run away; they run in.

They're your neighbors, your friends, and your family. As a veteran-owned and operated company, our commitment to supporting the military and first responders is unwavering.

Thank you for everything you do

We know you don't do it for the accolades, and some people don't even recognize it, but you're the heroes that make this great nation possible. Whether you are former or active duty US Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighter, or Paramedic, we want to do our small part to say thank you.

How it works

Claim your discount today

Visit and signup

You can easily verify your military service with your ID card or DD214.

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Add any products you like to your cart and, when you're done, go to checkout.

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Click the green button beneath the Pay Now button and your discount will be applied automatically. *

* discount is applied as a coupon and will not work in combination with any other coupons. If you see a better deal in our newsletter, be sure to use that coupon instead.

Special Ops Grade Nutrition

We don’t make our food for just anybody. We make our food for like-minded Americans, who like us, believe in the fundamentals that make this country great.