Green Beret Karl Erickson on Special Forces Brain Food
Green Beret Karl Erickson on Special Forces Brain Food

Karl's been through some stuff. He admits the flash bangs have taken a toll. His brain needs help. Even if you're not a Special Forces hero in need of brain repair, your brain could use some help too. That's why BrainCare from Nutrient Survival designed its patent pe...

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Battling Food Insecurity in the Military This Thanksgiving
Battling Food Insecurity in the Military This Thanksgiving

US-based food-tech company Nutrient Survival, which develops Special Ops Grade nutrition, is on a mission to shed light on the issue of food scarcity among military members, starting with a turkey drive this Thanksgiving, Novembe...

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WIRED - Special Ops Survival Oatmeal and the Survival Food Boom
WIRED - Special Ops Survival Oatmeal and the Survival Food Boom

The ranks of doomsday preppers have swelled since the pandemic, with many stocking up on freeze-dried rations in case things go bad. Survival food is not new. The oldest manufacturers, such as Oregon-based Mountain House, have been around since the 1960s. It has its ...

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Wolf Pack Trip Winners - The Time of Their Lives
Wolf Pack Trip Winners - The Time of Their Lives

Last year, Nutrient Survival embarked on an exciting adventure by giving away a trip to Reno, Nevada. After some careful scheduling, we were thrilled to finally spend a weekend with our winners, Marq and Katharine, a charming couple from Sarasota, F...

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If you’re over 50, you’re most likely a part of the growing number of people who fears a gradual loss of brain function, otherwise known as cognitive decline or dementia. It’s normal to worry. No one wants to slip into their later years with a failing...

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An Army Marches On Its Stomach
An Army Marches On Its Stomach

Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the most famed military commanders and strategists in history. He rose to power during the French Revolution, eventually toppling the government to gain complete control of France, ultimately declaring himself as Emp...

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mRNA Vaccines in Livestock Are Here Now
mRNA Vaccines in Livestock Are Here Now

We've been EATING livestock injected with mRNA vaccines for years now. That's right, instead of using traditional vaccines that use weakened or dead versions of a virus to stimulate an immune response, Big Pharma has turned to genetically manipulate...

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Outdoor Allie Reveals the X Factor in Emergency Food
Outdoor Allie Reveals the X Factor in Emergency Food

When it comes to freeze dried meals, there's a lot to love. They're lightweight, packable, have a long shelf life, and maintain more nutrients than other dehydration methods. But with so many options, it can be overwhelming to decide which meals are...

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Tactical Rifleman's OPERATION VALKYRIE 2023 - Sponsored by Nutrient Survival
Tactical Rifleman's OPERATION VALKYRIE 2023 - Sponsored by Nutrient Survival

Want a Gut Check? How about 3 days & 4 nights of Precision Rifle & Survival classes, mission planning & rehearsals, tactical infiltration & movement behind enemy lines, partisan link up, cave operations, RON site & patrolling, mu...

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Lynette Zang Talks Food Prepping with Nutrient Survival CEO Eric Christianson
Lynette Zang Talks Food Prepping with Nutrient Survival CEO Eric Christianson

Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, talks about the importance of nutrition during times of extreme stress and transitions in the monetary system. She is joined by Eric Christianson, CEO of @NutrientSurvival a company that provides sp...

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