
The Travel Wins Podcast: Fueled Up with Freedom Food

The Travel Wins Podcast:  Fueled Up with Freedom Food

Tune in to this episode of the award-winning The Travel Wins Podcast, hosted by Pete Kotzbach, as he dives into food that frees you with Nutrient Survival CEO Eric Christianson.

Listen to the full interview here.

The two cover some interesting ground like the backstory leading to the freedom food company, Nutrient Survival, after Eric was recruited out of Big Food by Founder and Chairman of the Board Peter M. Castleman. Hear about the stops in the army, big brands and other adventures, gaining insights wherever the road may lead.

The two cover some interesting ground like the backstory leading to the freedom food company after Eric was recruited out of Big Food by Founder and Chairman of the Board Peter M. Castleman. 

Hear about the challenges of starting a food business and directly reaching consumers. Plus real talk on modern processed foods vs fueling your body and brain for success.

Finally, don’t miss details on their new guide for brain health and longevity through lifestyle. It's a call to action we can all make.  Take control now to power your potential anywhere life may lead!