Feed Your Freedom: On Patrol With Ranger EC

Eric Christianson | Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Chapter three: Food Freedom; It’s Not What You Think


“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.” - William Faulkner


I was reminded of this great truth during a recent meeting with a new partner of ours. They nailed what we believe here at Nutrient Survival, and what our sole focus is -- giving you the power to feed your freedom.

In my first post you heard about my strong belief that true freedom begins within us -- within our bodies and minds. Having the freedom to thrive, not just survive, is crucial especially in this day in age when the next “eventuality” could be right around the corner.

Unfortunately, it’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of what and when


We’ve all been there. A big storm is on the way, so you head to the grocery store with every other person in town to hopefully grab the last loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, and yes, maybe even a bottle of wine or a six-pack.

Anxiety consumes us in the grocery aisles and neighborhoods as we all frantically “batten down the hatches” for the impending storm. I remember this annual exercise when I lived in South Jersey during hurricane season -- preparing for the worst, and hoping for the best.

Maybe the storm would move back off shore and decide to go away. But maybe it wouldn’t and we’d get hit with flooding and power outages. I’ve been on back-up sump pump duty more than once!

Unfortunately, most people aren’t really “ready” for the next unexpected storm. Our bodies are too often in the same situation. Ill-prepared. But they don’t have to be. You have the power to prep your body and mind everyday, if you choose to.



Look at the recent emergency in Texas. An unexpected snow storm has left many without power, and many without food. Our hearts and prayers go out to them.

Some argue that the blackout in the state could have been prevented with better winterized power equipment. Maybe so. But the fact is that it happened. No one expected it. And especially not in Texas!

I’m not here to get political. What I am here to stress is that you can make a change today– right now, actually– to be prepared. Without a sound body and mind in these stressful situations, you’re dead in the water.

That’s what’s great about Nutrient Survival. It’s freeze-dried for long shelf life, easy to make with just a little water (hot is best, but even cold will work), and tastes delicious.  But the best part is that it’s packed with the essential nutrients you need to not only survive, but thrive.

Fueling your body with the right stuff is just like grabbing all the last-minute essentials before a big storm strikes your area. It’s even better when you start early. So feed your freedom right now! 


In case you haven’t caught on, storm prep and preparing your body for life’s emergencies, adventures, and everything in between, have a lot in common. 

This kind of preparation takes diligence, time, and patience. But, in order to fully live your life, and ultimately feed your freedom, you need to fuel your body and your mind with the nutrients they need.

I’m not a meteorologist and I can’t predict the future. But, I do know Nutrient Survival can help feed the freedom within you so you are always ready for the next storm in life. 



Stay tuned for chapter four. And, in the meantime, follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn

and check out Nutrient Survival here Instagram |  Facebook | Youtube 


Missed the last few chapters? Read what you’re missing here.


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