Our mission

To help make sure it does

    The magic is in the omegas

    Research associates higher Omega 3 Index Scores with:

    • Up to 47% lower risk of dementia

    • Improved short term memory

    • Better focus and learning

    • Improved mood and lower anxiety

    Measure, Track, and Improve

    BrainSpan offers the only test that measures the structural and functional health of your cells and brain. The result is reduced pain, lower inflammation, slower aging and improved brain function.

    • Functional longevity

    • Omega 3 index

    • Memory capacity

    • Processing speed

    • The man behind the scenes

      In 2009, I was serving as a Physician and Officer in the US Army, looking for a solution to build resilience in soldiers and their family members. Our team was looking for solutions to reduce negative outcomes and performance when going through stressful situations. At the time, soldiers were going through multiple Middle East deployments and, as a result, were suffering from PTSD, marital problems, substance abuse, and other negative life events.

      The solution we encountered was an integration of two tests into one with a completely new way of integrating the metrics together to give more powerful insights than either one alone. The two tests are made possible through our strategic partnership with two testing companies described below.

      I retired in 2018 on a new mission to bring a testing solution to the public; one designed to help people take control of measuring, tracking, and optimizing the health of our most important asset, our brain. I would personally like to thank you for exploring this critical area of health and wellness that can so dramatically impact our entire quality of life.

      Daniel T. Johnston, MD, MPH
      Founder, BrainSpan®
      LTC (Retired), US Army

      • Brainspan Kit

        Now you can test your brain's nutrient levels as well as your cognitive abilities (provides scores in five domains of cognitive function: memory, processing speed, attention, cognitive flexibility and executive function) with the included BrainSpan Resilience test kit so you can establish a baseline from which you can improve. One BrainCare Tropical Lemonade Drink and a delicious Omega 3 Fig and Dark Chocolate Brain Bar combines for a daily program to give you everything your brain needs to be healthy and perform. No more guessing, only solid data that you can act on. After the 3 months of feeding and nourishing your brain are up, you can reorder and measure your progress.

        90x Brain Omega 3 Bar® - Fig & Dark Chocolate
        90x BrainCare® Drink - Tropical Lemonade
        1x BrainSpan® Resilience Test Kit ($199 value)
        View Product 

      Measure and track life's most important metrics

      Our test kits combine the importance of nutrition with the relevance of function.

      • Every Brainspan kit comes with all the necessary equipment and downloading the app is easy. A few easy steps will put you on your path to a healthier brain.

      • Collect 2-3 drops of blood on a special card. Then use the postage paid return envelope to mail your sample to our CLIA certified lab.

      • After registering your kit, you will receive access to take a 15-minute cognitive function test. There is no software to download.

      • Within 3-5 days of receiving your blood spot collection card, you will receive an email with instructions for accessing your personaized report.