
Official Guide to the Big 5 Essential Nutrient Groups

Official Guide to the Big 5 Essential Nutrient Groups

What are the Big Five? 

The Big Five are essential nutrients - what your body requires so it can reach its full potential every single day. And they are in every single serving of Nutrient Survival.

Why “essential”?

Because your body can’t make them on its own so you have to get them from food. 

What’s a “nutrient”? 

It’s what’s in your food! Some foods are loaded with them, while some barely have any. A nutrient is a superstar that your body needs to defend, heal and perform. Think about it...where do you get your energy? From nutrients. How do you avoid chronic disease? With nutrients. How do you heal after injuries? By eating nutrients. You can break the Big Five down into protein, vitamins, minerals, omegas and fiber. Ideally, you’d be getting the perfect balance of all of them in every meal. 

Now, let’s get into the details (they aren’t boring, we swear...) - 


Think of protein as your body’s building block for muscle. But it’s not just your muscles’ best friend - every part of your body, from cells to bones and skin to hair, contains protein and it’s a major player in repairing tissue. The average person's body weight is made up of 16 percent of protein - it’s mainly used for growth, health, and overall body maintenance. 

Exactly how much protein you require daily can be calculated by multiplying your weight by 0.36, or about 54g for a 150lb person. Keep in mind: more protein isn't necessarily better. Overconsumption can lead to weight gain, intestinal discomfort and even kidney damage, so make sure you aren’t overdoing it. 


There are 14 vitamins your body needs to thrive and it’s best to get them through your food rather than swallowing a bunch of pills. When you smell and taste food, you trigger your digestive enzymes to get ready for what’s coming! It’s like priming the pump for the best absorption possible. When you swallow vitamins, you bypass this amazing stage of digestion.  

So, why are vitamins important? 

  • Vitamin A - supports a healthy immune system. 
  • Vitamin C  - an antioxidant powerhouse, necessary for the growth and repair of all body tissues. 
  • Vitamin D - this sunshine vitamin keeps your bones, teeth and muscles healthy. 
  • Vitamin E - helps reduce the aging process of your cells and UV damage to the skin. 
  • Vitamin K - promotes stronger bones and better cognitive and heart health. 
  • Thiamin (B1) - turns carbohydrates into energy. It is critical for muscle function. 
  • Riboflavin (B2) - an energy producer that is necessary for proper cell function. 
  • Niacin (B3) - lowers cholesterol and boosts brain power. 
  • Pantothenic Acid (B5) - turns food into energy and is necessary for making oxygen carrying blood cells. 
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - linked to happier moods and a  reduced risk for Alzheimer’s.
  • Biotin (B7) - a beauty booster that converts nutrients into energy and promotes healthy hair, skin and nails. 
  • Folate (B9) - makes and repairs DNA and produces red blood cells.
  • Cobalamin (B12) - keeps nerve cells healthy. 
  • Choline - essential to a healthy nervous system and supports a healthy metabolism. 


The human body requires a perfect balance of 14 minerals like iron, potassium, and the one that gets tons of attention - calcium. Just like vitamins, it’s best to get them through your food instead of pills. Prime that digestive system for best absorption! 

  • Calcium - a bone strengthener that keeps your heart, muscles and nerves in excellent condition. 
  • Chloride - works with potassium and sodium to maintain the proper balance of body fluids. Note: most people get too much of this mineral due to salt levels in processed food. 
  • Chromium - helps metabolize nutrients and improves the body’s ability to lower blood sugar levels.  
  • Copper - supports your immune system and protects against cell damage.
  • Iodine - plays an important role in thyroid health and improves brain function.
  • Iron - increases energy levels, focus, and strengthens your immune system.
  • Magnesium - regulates muscle function and creates and repairs DNA.
  • Manganese - supports bone health and regulates blood sugar. 
  • Potassium - regulates fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals.
  • Phosphorus-  keeps bones and teeth strong and healthy and helps manage energy. 
  • Selenium - a powerful antioxidant that boosts your immune system and may protect against heart disease, mental decline and certain types of cancer.
  •  Sodium - an electrolyte that assists nerve and muscle functions. Note: most people get far too much in their diet, which can cause high blood pressure. 
  • Molybdenum - activates enzymes that help break down harmful sulfites and prevent toxins from building up in the body.
  • Zinc - boosts immune health, reduces inflammation and keeps your skin, eyes, and heart healthy.  


Omega-3 is an essential body and brain health booster and should be part of your daily diet - most people get too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3. It’s a major inflammation fighter and provides support for brain, heart and eye health. It can also curb arthritis, depression, asthma, ADHD, Alzheimer's and dementia. 


Your #1 ally for digestive health, fiber is the key to feeling full for long periods of time. It can reduce the risk of chronic disease, slow the rate that sugar is absorbed into your bloodstream,  and keep your colon clean and in good working order. 


So, there you have it! When you eat Nutrient Survival, you get an excellent source of the Big Five in each serving.